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| Last Updated:: 24/02/2016

Advisory Committee


Advisory Committee for ENVIS Centre, Mizoram

            Following the directions of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, the Advisory Committee for Mizoram ENVIS (Environmental Information System) Centre was constituted during December, 2014 comprising of the following environmental experts as members of the Committee:


 1.     Er. C. Lalduhawma, Member Secretary,          - Chairman

      Mizoram PCB & Co-ordinator, ENVIS


2.     Mr. Lalduhthlana, DFO (Protection Division), - Member

      Department of E&F, GoM


3.     Prof. Lalnuntluanga, Asst. Professor,            - Member

      Department of Env. Science, MZU


4.     Dr. John Zothanzama, Asst. Professor,          - Member

      Department of Env. Science, MZU


5.     Dr. HT. Lalremsanga, Asst. Professor,           - Member

      Department of  Zoology, MZU


6.     Mr. K. Vanlalfamkima, Programme Officer,   - Member Secretary

      ENVIS Centre


 Terms of Reference:



1.     The term of the Committee is three years effective immediately.


2.    The main responsibility of the Advisory Committee shall be to assist the Centre in all aspects with a view to attain its objectives and to oversee its activities for effective implementation of the ENVIS scheme in Mizoram.


3.     The Committee will meet at least, once in a quarter to periodically review the activities, performance of the Centre and to carry out peer review of its information/knowledge products. Sitting allowance of Rs.300 shall be provided to each member attending the meeting.


4.     The Committee shall help to formulate Annual Action Plan of Activities for relevant perspective year.


5.     The Committee shall help the centre with inputs of environmental related information /data and/or advise the Centre in collecting, storage or disseminating the data to attract maximum users.


6.     The Committee shall also assist the Centre in the preparation of State of Environment Report, Mizoram and the Annual Activities Report of the Centre, and may suggest subject areas that may be taken up by the Centre for case studies/publications.

 7.     Any other innovative actions within the purview of the scheme shall       be formulated by the Committee as and when it feels required.