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| Last Updated:11/02/2025

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Environment, Forest And Climate Change Minister Inaugurated Fire Prevention Week 2021



T.J. Lalnuntluanga, Minister of State, Govt of Mizoram inaugurated the Fire Prevention Week 2021, a week-long observance starting from 8th to 13th of February at Kahrawt Field Champhai yesterday. The Minister also released the Short Video Clip on the importance of Fire prevention and preservation of forest.


Addressing the inaugural speech, T.J. Lalnuntluanga mentioned that to tackle the menace posed by rapid deforestation in Champhai District, a project titled ‘Afforestation of denuded Hills in Champhai District of Mizoram’ has been designed and approved by the NEC. Also the Forest Minister pointed out that the previous year 2020 witnessed 2389 numbers of fire incidents which burned down 3692.124 hectares of forest cover areas. He urged the people to combat the possibility of fire incidents and refrain from unwanted activities leading to fire outbreaks.


Maria C.T. Zuali, Deputy Commissioner of Champhai District, Chairman of the District Level Committee on Fire Prevention presided over the inaugural program. Lalduhthlana, DFO Champhai & Member Secretary, District Level Fire Prevention Committee gave a brief report on action taken & future course of action plan while Sub Hqtrs YMA Secretary PC. Lalrawnliana, initiated the pledge taking ceremony wherein the gatherings vowed to protect flora and fauna by adhering to fire prevention theme. F.Lalchhandama, Station Officer, Fire & Emergency Services Champhai highlighted important notes on incidence of fire and its related topics. Lalhmingmawia Pachuau, President, MJA Champhai District proposed a vote of thanks and concluded the function.


The inaugural function was attended by Members of the District Level Fire Prevention Committee, Heads of Offices, Village Council Members and NGO's.


(Source: The Mizoram Post Vol 18 Issue 243 Aizawl Wednesday 10 February 2021