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| Last Updated:11/02/2025

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Covid19 rates decreasing but death rate on rise say health experts



A meeting of health experts was held under the leadership of Dr. R. Lalthangliana at the SAD Conference Hall, MINECO on Thursday to discuss the Covid19 situation in Mizoram.


At the meeting it was reported that it was great progress that the Covid19 rates in Mizoram are declining, however, it was emphasized that the people have to remain cautious and observe the SOP and Covid Appropriate Behaviour wherever they are.


Discussions were held on the All Mask Campaign with reports on initiatives taken for the campaign. More efforts need to be taken in this regard as the number of Covid19 deaths are rising despite the decline in Covid19 cases, they said. According to ZMC officials, there are 44 ICU beds with 5 more being prepared. As of Thursday, there are 221 patients in ZMC Covid19 ward, and an additional 83 caretakers who are also positive. There are 36 patients in the ICU with four undergoing dialysis and 6 pregnant women who are in need of Csection.


Upto October 20, 59 people have died due to Covid19. Out of these 71% are fully vaccinated but had comorbidities and were senior aged citizens while 45% were not vaccinated.


A mobile RT-PCR van is expected to be in use by November Path Company, USA’s donation of Genome Sequencing Laboratory is expected to be inaugurated by October 27, 2021.


Medical Operational Chairman Dr. ZR Thiamsanga, MLA, Chief Secretary Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, DM&R Secretary Vanlalngaihsaka, Health Secretary R. Lalramnghaka,  D.C Aizawl, Officials from AMC, Health Department, DIPR, Home, ZMC, IMA, MOT. MKHC, Jt. NGO Coordination Committee and Aizawl City Local Council Association were present at the meeting.


(Source: The Mizoram Post Vol 19 Issue 142 Aizawl Friday 22 October